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bicycle friendly award

Bakonyerdő tour (green D)

(2 rating(s))
2h 34mRiding time
25.7 kmLength
463 m
465 m
Elevation difference
Entire route network
  • Description
  • BalatonBike365 Port
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1. Route details
It is a bucket list tour so you definitely must try it while you are on a Balaton bike tour.
Although the tours in Keszthely Hills require more serious preparation, it can be completed in normal physical condition.
Most of the route runs through forest roads free of car traffic so it can be safely completed with small children, too.
The tour is signed in two directions: to complete it follow bike sign green D.
The dashed line on the maps indicates a dirt and gravel road that is difficult to cross after rain.
On the way, in the forest sections (from the House of Nature to the centre of Balatongyörök) there are no water points and rest rooms.
Along the route there are several bike shelters and rest places (Pilikán, Nagy Messzelátó-hegy, Büdöskút, Kígyós-völgy, Bélap) and other places to stop and rest (shore of Lake Balaton in Balatongyörök, St. Michael’s Hill, Kárpáti promenade).

2. Difficulty factors in the tour
The tour is easier to complete from the direction of Gyenesdiás because the steady uphill road is interrupted by smaller downhill and straight sections, while from the direction of Balatongyörök there is a constant uphill road.
It is a real performance tour because it contains some heavier slopes even this way, but after reaching the top of the hill which is the highest point of the Keszthely Hills, we can feel as heroes of the bike. From Büdöskút toward Balatongyörök we reach the foot of the hill and the banks of Lake Balaton on a heavy downhill road.
The first section of tour, after the Pilikáni rest place, is difficult to cross in rainy weather (1.5 km).
The asphalt-gravel forest section (Büdöskúti road) there may be smaller and larger potholes.

3. Highlights of the tour
You might as well start this tour together with friends or just alone, the goal of this tour is to consciously gain experience and leave your comfort zone. Cycling in itself is a runaway from everyday life but this tour offers much more: several nice forest paths, slopes to be conquered and downhill roads providing the feeling of freedom, friendly rest areas in lovely forest clearings, gorgeous plants, amazing views and the constant vicinity with fascinating panoramas of Lake Balaton. After the tour it may feel like a delicious lunch and a pleasant swim at one of the beaches of Lake Balaton.
Target group:
Regular cyclist
Knowing the region
Holiday in the region
Amateur athlete
Young family
Asphalt and Good Quality Gravel
Hidden Gems
Type of bicycle recommended for the tour:
Mountain bike
Road detailsComposition by road category:
All roads25.7 km
  • Bike path7.8 km (30.2%)
  • Public road0.1 km (0.2%)
  • Public road low traffic4.2 km (16.2%)
  • Forestry road13.7 km (53.3%)
  • Sidewalk0.0 km (0.1%)
  • Dam0.0 km (0.0%)
  • Agricultural road0.0 km (0.0%)
  • Boat/Ferry0.0 km (0.0%)
Road surface category:
All roads25.7 km
  • Paved22.0 km (85.6%)
  • Gravel2.1 km (8.1%)
  • Dirt1.6 km (6.3%)
Elevation difference:
Total elevation difference:463 m
Maximal elevation difference:10-15%
(2 rating(s))
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Other cyclists' reviews:
SzS5/1/24, 8:59:57 AM

A túra nem rossz, kezdőknek is simán teljesíthető. Csak nem ezzel az app-al navigálva, mert pár perc után összeomlik. A kilátókat kicsit jobban ki kellene táblázni, aki nem ismeri a környéket annak nem olyan egyszerű megtalálni. Pl. Padkűi kilátót jelző fém tábla Büdöskútnál teljesen rossz irányba mutat, van egy fa tábla is csak azt meg elég nehéz észrevenni, takarják a fák. A másik két kilátó felé is mutat 1 nyíl kilátó felirattal lent a pihenőnél, de utána van több elágazás és sehol nrm jelzik, hogy merre kell menni. (És a fák miatt nem lehet látni a kilátót)

Bringás Bora10/14/21, 8:56:48 AM

Ez a kedvenc túrám nyugaton, mindenmkinek ajánlom!

Further informationThe GINOP-7.1.9-17 - 2018 - 00012 development project shall be implemented in the Lake Balaton high profile tourism development area. The aim of the project is to extensively implement cycling developments for the entire region, including both shoreline and backcountry settlements in the circulation.