Enchanting forests, Somogy lankas, a wonderful hunting lodge, and two sumptuous panoramas at the end. The tour is very suitable for cycling, on safe, high-quality forest roads, and to a lesser extent on public roads and cycle paths. We recommend ebikes for all age groups, families, small and large groups.
Somogy forests, Aliréti Hunting House
A real cycling paradise awaits us for roughly 20 kilometers. In the beautiful forest of Somogy, on roller coaster-like forest roads, we will get to Jabapuszta and then to the hunting lodge in Alirét.
Panorama over Töreki
After a short rest, the only 5 km long dirt road section of our tour ends above Töreki, with a beautiful panorama. The stage is not difficult, it follows beautiful forest roads and ends with a great reward.
Kő-hegy lookout point
From Töreki, we return on paved roads and bike paths, then in Zamárdi we take another look at the Balaton panorama at the Kő-hegy lookout point, from which the mountains of Lake Balaton and the Balaton highlands can be seen from a special angle.
Változatos szakaszokkal, nagyon szép útvonalon vezet a túra.