
BalatonBike365 Port - Kapolcs

(3 rating(s))
  • BalatonBike365 Port
  • Bike shop, workshop
  • Public drinking water access point
  • Active location
  • Bike rental
  • Cycling rest area
  • "Live the experience!" point
8294 Kapolcs Kossuth utca 42.
Opening hours
November 1 - February 1
  • MondayClosed
  • TuesdayClosed
  • WednesdayClosed
  • ThursdayClosed
  • FridayClosed
  • SaturdayClosed
  • SundayClosed

February 2 - October 31

  • Introduction
  • Information
  • Services
  • Ratings

E-BIKE RENTAL (booking in advance online at the link below!) - eMTB FULLY full-suspension mountain bike (from HUF 21 000/day) - eMTB mountain bike (from HUF 14 000/day) - eTREKKING PLUS (18 000 HUF/day) - eGRAVEL road bike (21 000 HUF/day) - eJUNIOR from 8 years old in sizes 24" 26" 27.5" (11 000 HUF/day) BIKE ACCESSORIES RENTAL - helmets in a full range of sizes (1 000 HUF/day) - mobile holder for handlebar (so you can easily navigate our routes) (1 000 HUF/day) - bike lock (1 000 HUF/day) - luggage bag/ backpack (1 000 HUF/day) - child seat for bikes with luggage rack (2 000 HUF/day) - soft seat cover (1 000 HUF/day) BBT SAFE INSURANCE Enjoy cycling carefree and leave the stress behind! Take out our insurance package that covers the following: prompt support in case of small technical problem, help assistance in case of accident or bike replacement in case of puncture/ technical issue. It also helps to reduce your liability: in case of bike damage the insurance company reimburses 90% of the damage up to 300 000 HUF! (990 HUF/day) GUIDED E-BIKE TOURS Join us on our guided e-bike tours to explore the greatest panoramic points around Lake Balaton, taste local food, dive into Hungarian culinary and visit cultural spots. Breathtaking places, exciting routes, endless experiences await you! Let us guide you through the hidden treasures of Balaton. Sign up at the link below! COMPANY TEAM BUILDING Show your colleagues and friends the wonderful but unknown face of Lake Balaton. Energize your team and get to know your colleagues from a side you haven't experienced before. Shared experience and challenges await you that can be overcome together! BICYCLE GIFT VOUCHERS Our partners are the best accommodation providers, wineries and restaurants in the Balaton highlands with whom we have jointly developed experience packages that offer unforgettable experiences and even extra discounts to the voucher user. BIKE SHOP We welcome cyclists with a wide selection of bicycle accessories and we are also happy to help you if you are planning to buy a bicycle/e-bike. SERVICE In our professionally equipped service center our colleagues also undertake complex repair work (appointment required!).

InformationAddress:8294 Kapolcs Kossuth utca 42.
InformationAddress:8294 Kapolcs Kossuth utca 42.
Phone number:+36 307372201E-mail cím:info@balatonbiketour.comLinks:

Spoken languages:English, Hungarian
ServicesFilterable services:
    Drinking water access point
    E-bike charging facility
    Safe bike storage for the stay
    Bicycle rental
Additional services:
  • Free phone charging facility for guests
  • Bike tour recommendations (theme connected to local attractions)
  • Offering guided tours
  • Bicycle and/or e-bike rental service
  • Providing free drinking water not only for guests
(3 rating(s))
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Other cyclists' reviews:
Boda Péter 7/28/24, 11:54:03 AM

Július 26-án vettem részt a Kapolcsról induló tizenegy, és a három órakor induló e-bike túrán. A három túravezető rendkívül jól, segítőkészen és barátságosan vezette a társaságot. Figyelmük mindenre kiterjedt. Említésre méltó az, hogy volt idejük néhány mondatban a táj kultúráját is bemutatni. Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat. Úgy gondolom érdemes megemlíteni három vezetőnket név szerint is, tehát: Choranyecz Emese, Kanker Márton és Peti Bence. Mégegyszer, köszönet nekik!

Turi Ákos8/26/23, 8:11:36 AM

Én egy egésznapos szervezett túrájukon a Tanúhegyek látvány turán vettem részt. Plussz csillagot adnék, a pince látogatással egybekötött kostolóért! Ami a megfáradt bringásnak nagyon jó feltöltődést ad a még hátralévő szakasz, másik feléhez. Az út kb 60 km és 5.5 órás volt. Ezt a túrát, a hajnali esőzést követő hatalmas pocsolyákon való átkelés tette kalandossá, és izgalmassá, viccessé! 😃 A hőségből, az árnyas erdőkben haladva, nem érzékeltünk sokat, mindaddig míg onnét néha ki nem értünk. Összességében, jól összeállított és vezetett, sok élményt adó aktív boldog bringázással töltött napot kaptam, amitől a nap végére kellemesen elfáradtam. Köszönöm 😃!

cs7/14/23, 11:09:37 AM

Further informationThe GINOP-7.1.9-17 - 2018 - 00012 development project shall be implemented in the Lake Balaton high profile tourism development area. The aim of the project is to extensively implement cycling developments for the entire region, including both shoreline and backcountry settlements in the circulation.