Komplettes Straßennetz
bicycle friendly award

Rennradrunde bei Dörgicse

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2S 0MFahrzeit
40.3 kmLänge
626 m
626 m
Komplettes Straßennetz
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  • BalatonBike365 Port
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Die Übersetzung folgt in Kürze:)

Road information, legend
A relatively short, 40-kilometer road circuit around Dörgicse, which includes plenty of hills and climbs, with more than 600 meters difference in elevation.
The tour can be completed from both directions, but in terms of the view and dynamics, we recommend the direction we have drawn, so the climbs are also less steep.
The route is mainly on public roads, but the Balatoni Bringakörút can also be used as a warm-up at the beginning.

Recommended route: Zánka-Balatonakali-Balatonudvari-Vászoly-Dörgicse-Mencshely-Óbudavár-Balatoncsicsó-Monoszló-Zánka.

Download the gpx or use the BB365 app for navigation, or use the road signs along the following BalatonBike365 route: If you don't want to drive on the public road, then from Zánka follow the "236 green A" sign on the bike road to Balatonakali until the junction.
From Balatonudvari to Vászoly, follow the "239 green H" sign, from Vászoly to Dörgicse on the "233 green G", then to Mencshely on the "230 green G". From Balatoncsicsó you have to follow the "234 green C" signs to Monoszló, and from there the "233 green F" in the direction of Zánka.

It is possible to buy food in the settlements along the route.

Difficulty factors
Like almost everywhere around Lake Balaton during the season, traffic on the Balaton Bicycle Circuit can make the first kilometers difficult, so if you want a more sporty pace, we recommend starting early in the morning.
The topography is friendlier from the suggested direction, you don't have to expect a very steep ascent.

Mood description
A typical tour in the Balaton highlands in terms of the varied landscape and the panoramic road sections, moreover, all of this is compressed into a relatively short, narrow 40-kilometer circuit that is easy to complete. It's also an exciting experience to go along, but we can also find many interesting stopping points along the route as a tour.

Detailed tour description
The GPX starts from the Zánka beach parking lot, which is also close to the train station and easily accessible. Due to the rules, we designed the itinerary in such a way that where the bike path runs parallel to the 71, you have to drive on it, in season this can also mean a lot of bicycle traffic. The coast road is roughly flat. Among the BalatonBike365 signs, you have to follow the sign "236 green A" until Balatonakali, then sign "239 green H" from Balatonudvari till Vászoly. The ascent to Vászoly is very pleasant, gentle, with no steep parts. In addition, the crowns of the trees in some parts provide shade even in the worst heat waves. You can relax in Vászoly, the the Szent Jakab spring is a nice spot, where you can fill your water bottle with cold spring water. After freshening up, we reach Mencshely, the highest point of the tour, through Dörgicse on undulating terrain, after one or two shorter climbs. The "233 green G" signs lead from Vászoly to Dörgicse, then the "230 green G" signs to Mencshely. Looking back after Dörgicse, you can see Lake Balaton from one of the slopes. From Mencshely, we mostly go downhill, which is steep at Óbudavár. The road is narrow, be careful here. At Balatoncsicsó you have to turn right and you can continue on a newly asphalted small road. From here you have to follow the "234 green C" signs to Monoszló, and from there the "233 green F" in the direction of Zánka. At Monoszló there is possibility to fill up the water bottle, with a convenience store next to it. If you are tired, you can refresh yourself here. If you feel the strength, you can even go up to Hegyestű. Shortly after Monoszló you have to turn right and you can go up a steep road to the geological exhibition site and the basalt organs. Rolling to Zánka is a reward, not only because of the slope, but also the gorgeous view of Lake Balaton.
Es wird auch in Regenzeiten empfohlen
Regelmäßiger Radfahrer
Nur Asphalt (für Straßenradfahrer)
Empfohlener Fahrradtyp zum Wandern:
StraßeninformationenZusammensetzung nach Straßenklassifikation:
Alle Straßen40.3 km
  • Radweg6.8 km (16.8%)
  • Öffentliche Straße6.7 km (16.7%)
  • Straße mit wenig Verkehr23.8 km (59.0%)
  • Forststraße0.0 km (0.0%)
  • Gehsteig0.0 km (0.0%)
  • Damm0.0 km (0.0%)
  • Landwirtschaftliche Straße3.0 km (7.5%)
  • Schiff/Fähre0.0 km (0.0%)
Alle Straßen40.3 km
  • Gepflastert40.3 km (100.0%)
  • Straße mit Schotter0.0 km (0.0%)
  • Feldweg0.0 km (0.0%)
Alle Höhenunterschiede:627 m
Maximaler Anstieg:10-15%
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Weitere InformationenDie Entwicklung Nr. GINOP-7.1.9-17 - 2018 - 00012 wird im vorrangigen Tourismusentwicklungsgebiet Balaton verwirklicht. Ziel des Projekts ist es, Entwicklungen im Bereich des Radsports für die gesamte Region umfassend umzusetzen und dabei sowohl Küsten- als auch Hintergrundsiedlungen im Blutkreislauf einzubeziehen.